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Sunday, October 28, 2018

Ski Starts in 2 Weeks!

Fall sports are either wrapped up or winding down and we're just two weeks away from the start of ski season! A few things to know as we're approaching the first day:

1. The district is firm this year about registrations and fees being submitted prior to the first day of practice. If you were in a fall sport, you probably registered for Nordic ski when you registered for your fall sport. If not, just call the activities office at  320-616-2207 to add ski to your existing registration. If you didn't register for a fall sport or activity, you'll need to fill out a registration form online. Click HERE to do that. If you're unsure about what you need to do, call Gloria in the Activities office and she'll be able to help you.

2. The meet schedule is set! (On paper anyway...)  Look in the right sidebar for a link to our 2018-19 schedule and write it on your calendar in pencil because you know we're at the mercy of the weather and the schedule will surely change. 😃

3. Ski Swaps. If your kid grew a foot since last season, I feel your pain. There are a couple of ski swaps coming up soon where you can look for deals on used or last year's models -- boots, skis, poles, etc.
  • Forestview Middle School, Baxter. Nov 10 from 9:00 - Noon.
  • Halenbeck Hall (fieldhouse), St Cloud State University. Nov 10 from Noon - 3:00
If you're interested in driving a little further, there are a lot of swaps this time of year. Skinnyski has a comprehensive list of midwest ski swaps.

4. It's time to clean up the list of people who get blog notifications so if you're no longer interested in receiving text or email updates, let me know and I'll remove you.

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