Fun Stuff

Fun Stuff

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Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Annual Moonlight Paddle

On Tuesday night, Joe led the kids on a Moonlight Paddle.  This year 23 kids, a couple of dads, Joe and Dan left the boat landing just south of Camp Ripley and had a quick one-hour paddle back to Le Bourget Park.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Long Lake Lap Canoe Races

This Saturday we had five two-person teams competing in New Brighton at the Long Lake Lap.  It's a 4 mile race around the lake -- and the Flyer paddlers were the top 5 finishers.  Nice job everyone!!

Photo Link -->  Canoe Race Photos

Flyer paddlers

First Place: Colton and Colton

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Coming Home Party for Johnny

Johnny graduated from boot camp and now he's a Marine!  Come to the Kleinschmidts on Sunday, July 17th at 1:00 pm to say hello and congratulate him on this great accomlishment.

1710 W River Rd, Little Falls

Hope to see everyone there!